
October Newsletter

Hello Path4Life Family,

Thank you once again for following our ministry and praying for us. Without you, we would not be able to do what we do in Kenya. Together we are able to make a real difference.

For the last month I have been in the USA. Unfortunately, Nelson still is waiting on the necessary paperwork to apply for his visa. It has been wonderful to spend time with my kids, grandkids (maybe I should have listed the grandkids first. lol) Seeing family and friends as well as supporters is always a highlight of my time in the USA. While home, I have been able to speak in a church in MO as well as 3 churches in MI. It is necessary to raise support as our support has reduced the past few months.

While I have been in America, Nelson has been busy in Kenya. He has been working in the furniture shop and supervising the building of our home. In June, we finished the foundation but lacked the finances to continue with the construction. The next phase will be to construct the roof. The contractor gave us an estimate of $6,500.00 to complete the roof. It is wonderful to watch our dream come to life.

Next week is the final week of school for our schools. I arrive on Monday and before the end of the week both schools will have a graduation and close. In Kenya, there is a graduation for kindergarten and 3rd grade. There are still several things to be accomplished while the schools are closed but with the students off from school it is easier to accomplish so much to get ready for the upcoming school year. It has been a wonderful school year but an especially difficult year in both schools because of the inability of parents to pay for school fees.

Once schools are closed there are also other areas that need to be addressed. There are so many things that need to be accomplished before the end of the year. Classrooms need to be built. One of our Pastors is getting married in December. Also, in December we will have our first ordination service in Path4Life. There will be 3 Pastors who will be ordained and 6 commissioned for ministry. Next year we will plant more churches as God directs but plans are already being made. It's going to be an exciting year!

While in Michigan, the Path4Life board met. We restructured our board. Bob and Louise Boom had resigned last month and Louise went home to be with the Lord shortly after. I am so thankful for their support and encouragement. They helped push P4L to the next level and helped for long into the future. We have added Sara Imhoff to our board. She was part of our very first team that came to Kenya in 2010. Sara is working on some changes that will come in the next few months, so be on the lookout for that. Dave and Theresa VanderArk and Dean and Pastor Kristi Rhodes as well as Nelson and I are who make up our board. The purpose of our board is to keep us focused on the future and grow this ministry the way God would have it to grow.

There are many areas that we are requesting prayers and financial support:

· Our monthly support is low. We need people who are willing to commit to supporting our ministry. Each $50 - $200 a month helps us to accomplish so much more.

· Help us to complete construction on our new home! We have grown out of our current home and want to be able to welcome the community in to hold bible studies and gatherings in our home. We also want more room to host groups who come for mission trips. We need $6,500.00 to complete building.

· There are many students in need of sponsorship for the 2024 school year. Your monthly support provides a student with a uniform, daily meal at school and most of all covers the cost of tuition and school supplies. We will provide you with updates on your student and photos!

· Help us build 2 more classrooms! With your support, we want to welcome more students at the start of the new school year.

Blessings to each and every one of you,

Nelson and Michelle