
August Newsletter

This morning I was thinking about those of you living in the USA getting ready for schools to open soon. I think of all those good deals at the stores for school supplies and the excitement on the faces of kids as they pick out what they need for the upcoming school year. (Both of our schools are in desperate need of crayons and markers)

Here in Kenya, we are on a two-week break from school. The end of August we start our third term of school which ends sometime in November. There are a few options for school supplies. A few years ago, it was almost impossible to find anything more than pencils/pens/notebooks but thankfully it is improving. Each school has chosen a uniform that each child must wear daily. Most of the students have only one uniform that gets washed daily. Our two schools closed last week. A little early because we were short of money to purchase food for the students and staff. Between both schools we have almost 150 students 17 staff. We are still looking for sponsors for some of the students who are really in need. Some are being raised by grandparents who have nothing in their homes and in desperate need of help. If you would like to help with sponsorship or give the schools a financial boost there are options at the end of this newsletter.

Nelson and I have been working hard to make some adjustments to our ministry in the Government offices. It has meant 4 trips to Nairobi and spending nights in a hotel. Nothing is explained well and when you show that you are frustrated they will just send you away. We now have everything in order and up to date. This week we were in Nairobi and after a lot of time sitting in offices and running from office to office we now have the license to marry and the marriage book. Both of these items are needed for our ministry to marry people. We can’t tell you how happy and relieved we are to have this. It has been quite a journey but God has been faithful. So many “interesting” things happen in these offices. While in the offices a few weeks ago, I saw a man who was very upset. His file for the ministry had “disappeared.” This happens sometimes when Government officers sell the ministry to someone and you have no idea. Pastors are not always honest here and seek out ministries to purchase. It is illegal but it is still done. This is why it is important to keep the ministry up to date. Our church has a wedding next month and needed a special license to be able to legally marry this couple. Thankfully, we have everything in order now. Praise God!

I shared a few months ago about a church near the coast that had told their people to fast from all food and drink for 40 days and over 300 people died. In May I shifted focus a little in our church and dedicated a whole month to a topic for the first service. In May we spoke on Salvation. What does it mean to be saved? How can I get saved and share my faith with others? What are the benefits of salvation? In June we talked about Prayer. How to pray? Does God really hear you? August is focused on Faith. What is faith and how does it benefit us. I have seen that people are more focused on God than they were before. Their dedication and growth are growing. People are starting to get more involved in church and the needs and responsibilities of the church. We now have several mamas who are cleaning the church and setting it up for the Sunday service. On the first Saturday of each month there is a young couple from who invite kids from surrounding homes around our church as well as kids from our church for a Kids Fun Day. Kids come for games, lesson, songs and sometimes a movie. We serve lunch for all of them. It is our way to show the kids and the greater surrounding village that God loves them and so do we. We also have a small group of people that are helping each week visiting people who have come to our church as well as those who are sick. It gets easier when we have people helping in many areas. With the school on the church grounds and the busy schedule of church our church gets lots of use. That is a blessing.

Nelson and I just returned home last evening from a week of ministry in other churches. We started with a church in Karatina which is around 7 hours from home. We were invited to speak in a 3-day conference there with other speakers. It was a wonderful conference and well planned. The theme was “The Foundational Pillars.” The coordinator gave each of us a specific theme to speak on each day. We are thankful for what we learned and what God did through us. On Saturday, we left there and traveled around 2 hours to Nairobi to speak in 2 churches for the weekend. There are 2 pastors from different ministries who work together on many things. Between Nelson and I, we spoke 5 times in 2 days in 3 different places. One of the churches has the same heart as we do for the people who will never enter our churches. They take the church to the people in the market like we do. It was amazing to see God working and allowing us to get involved. We are so thankful to God for each person we met and for the ability to do ministry side by side together with great people.

Nelson and I have enjoyed watching our ministry grow and change. Some people come into our life for a season and then God leads them elsewhere but there are others who come in behind them and are ready for the opportunities they can have to serve. We are excited to watch the Pastors serving their congregations. Our hospital is on rented land also and in the near future may relocate on our own land when God opens doors. They say that churches are hospitals for people to come and receive healing and grow. We have both kinds of hospitals…some for the heart and some for the physical body.

Nelson is happy today to be back in his workshop. He has 6 guys working for him now and it is quite amazing to see where God has taken this man. Most of the guys that work for him are deaf and if it was not for Nelson, they would not have been taught a trade and would not have regular work. Thankfully the guys did well while we were out for ministry. Orders came in and other things were sold while he was gone.

I have had several people asking for an update on our house building project. We are thankful that the foundation was completed in June but as of now we are unable to start building the walls and moving forward because of a lack of finances. We are confident that God wants us to have this home and no longer live in a rented house like we have for 15 years but we trust Gods timing. Currently there are 2000 blocks to start the outside walls. We need 4500 blocks for outside and inside walls. Each block is 5.00 and that includes the materials to put the walls up. Please pray about how you can get involved to help us build this house. Step by step we will get it finished.

I have missed so many of you while I have been here in Kenya this year but I especially miss my kids and grandkids. In October I will come home for time with family and fundraise for the ministry. If you would like to have my calander of where I will be speaking or would like to get together personally please ask. I would love to see you. I am setting my calendar already and have some churches I will be speaking at while in the USA.

As I finish, I would like to share a cute story to finish this letter. A few weeks ago, I was invited to speak at a public school not far from our church that has over 1,000 kids learning. When I asked the students if they knew who I was every hand shot up. I told them that when they saw me in the market or on the road to come to me and greet me by name. The next day several students saw me in the market and were quick to come up to me and call me by name. Since that day they have not forgotten my name and have new confidence to come to me. Love the innocence of children who just want to be loved and recognized. God loves each of these little ones so much.

Giving to Path4Life ministry can easily be done a few ways. Please click on the Give button on our website to make a donation.

Thank you to everyone who prays for us. We truly feel your prayers and are thankful for your commitment. Also thank you to each of you who gave to our ministry this past month. Without your prayers and financial support, we could not serve the people here in Kenya. 

Blessings to each of you,

Nelson and Michelle