
November Newsletter

"Gratitude can transform common days into Thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings."

Only a few weeks ago I returned from my home in Michigan to my home in Kenya. My time in the USA was filled with beautiful moments with my kids and grandkids. I could never get enough time with them. My heart overflows with thanksgiving.

It was also a joy to spend time with my siblings and other family members as well as friends and supporters. Unfortunately, I could not see everyone because of time and also because I was not feeling well.

Over the last few years I have learned it is good to take a few days to relax but this return did not allow. The day after I returned I went to the Dr and was treated for pneumonia. That same day, I was needed in both schools because we had graduations in both schools that same week. What an exciting week! I would not trade anything to see these little graduates and the joy on their faces. It is always a perfect way to close our schools. Thank you especially to those who sponsored a child and those who have supported our schools through prayer and financial gifts at just the right time. Blessings to you.

As I write this, I am remembering the significance of this month. November 5, 2008….15 years ago, we started our journey to live in this far away place of Kenya. So many emotions today but also so thankful for the opportunity to serve here. Funny how God works, if you would have told me those 15 years ago how my life would look today, it would have scared me so much I may never have boarded that plane. God puts people in your life for a specific season and purpose to help get you to where He wants to take you. They are called destiny helpers. I trusted God to take the first step and I continue to trust God today to sustain me as I have stepped out to do what God has called me to do. I believe that God has so…much…more and I trust God to walk with Nelson and I each step of the way. Thank you to each of you who were there when we boarded that plane and have prayed and supported our ministry over these last years.

This month is overflowing with extra reasons to celebrate what God has done. As an American, it is our culture to thank God especially in November. We are so excited to share them with you. On Saturday the 11th Nelson graduated from bible school. I am so proud of him and all the work he has done. Sunday, we had a celebration service at our church. We want to take time to thank God for all that He has done for us this year. It is also a time to celebrate our 15 years but also celebrate 5 years of our church as well as celebrate Nelson's graduation. WOW! Look what God has done! In December the celebration continues as Path4Life ministry has our first Ordination/Commission service. We have several Pastors who are going to be “set apart for ministry.” What an exciting, stressful, overwhelming time but it also means that next year we will be planting more churches. We are excited about the future.

Dr. Moses is reporting that our hospital has been seeing several patients from malaria to other needs in the area of Shibuli. We are presently in a small rented building but in the future, as God allows, we will purchase land and build our hospital to better meet the needs of the people who can not access quality health care.

Our schools are closed until January. We are putting things in place even now to welcome our students again. Love these little faces. In both of our schools, we are anticipating more students. Already, we are putting things in order to receive each student on the opening day. There are so many students that need sponsorship. There are options of a monthly commitment as well as paying once. Your commitment to sponsor a child gives them the opportunity to have a better life. If you have thought about sponsoring a child before or it never crossed your mind until just now, please message me. Your investment truly makes such a difference in not only a child’s life today but impacts the future for them, their families and the village around them.

I can't miss an update with our home. We are happy to announce that the walls are up and wow the house looks so great so far. The next step is the roof. We need $6,500 to put the roof on and around $30,000 to complete the house. This home will be a safe place for us but also a place for teams to come as well as other people in ministry here in Kenya that need a break from ministry and a quiet place. The home is situated in a quiet area and is so peaceful.

We have an incredible opportunity from a generous family in Michigan. They have challenged each of you to do a giving match up to $2,750.00 to help pay for our roof. Each dollar that you donate they will match it! This is where we need your help to get this roof done quickly. Once we meet this giving challenge any monies above this will go directly to the windows and doors. We need to get the home secure as soon as possible. It is not wise to have a home without roof/windows/doors here because of security. If you give $50-$100-$200-$500 your donation will be matched by RAO roofing. Praise God! For this project you can send any donations to our PayPal at Path4lifekenya@gmail.com. We will update you through Facebook and our next newsletter to share how the donations have come in. Or you will see a picture of our home with the ROOF ON! YEAAA! Click here to watch the video that RAO roofing has created.

There are many things that we are trusting God for. Please pray with us:

We need to put the roof on our home.

There is a long list of next steps to finish our home so we can move in.

Our monthly support continues to be a concern for us. We are praying for faithful people that can stand with us financially on a monthly basis. Maybe that is you? There is so much more we can accomplish in our ministry and the village around us if we had more finances.

With all the blessings coming in the next weeks/month we need grace to walk through this as well as finances to accomplish all these things.

We have a few different options for giving to make it easy! Click on the Give button to learn more.

Blessings to each and every one of you. We pray that your November will be filled with testimony after testimony of God’s goodness and love.


Nelson and Michelle